Batteries included

This comprehensive tutorial covers the rest of the available functionalities in the framework. These include accessing SQLite3 databases, sending system notifications, utilizing the system tray, theming, multitasking, handling signals, and much more.

Let’s go through them in detail

1. Theming

Themes are what make modern design in Limekit possible.

There are currently 3 categories of themes in Limekit; darklight, material, darkstyle and misc. Use getThemes() to get themes for a particular theme category, and setTheme(theme) to set the theme.

local theme = Theme('darklight')
local allThemes = theme:getThemes()


2. Dialogs

  • Limekit offers various dialogs for tasks such as opening files, saving files, receiving input, and more, all of which will be discussed.

File and Folder dialogs


filters allows you to specify the type of files that will be displayed in the dialog’s file type dropdown filter.

example: {['Image Files'] = {'.jpg', '.png'}, Audio = {'.mp3', '.flac'}, Archieves = {'.zip', '.tar', '.rar'}}

dir is used to specify the initial directory that the file dialog will open when it’s launched. Pass an empty string to ignore

-- allows opening of files
app.openFileDialog(window, title, dir, filters)
app.saveFileDialog(window, title, dir, filters)
app.folderPickerDialog(window, title, dir)

Input Dialogs

app.textInputDialog(window, title, label)
-- can ignore content
app.multilineInputDialog(window, title, label, content)
-- items: table
-- can ignore startIndex
app.comboBoxInputDialog(window, title, label, items, startIndex)
-- step: increment by
-- can ignore step
app.integerInputDialog(window, title, label, startValue, minValue, maxValu, step)
-- can ignore step
app.doubleInputDialog(window, title, label, value, minValue, maxValue, step)


-- returns true or false
-- for an alert like this, you don't really need the result
local result = app.alert(window, title, message)
-- Contains the 'do not show this message again' button
app.infoMessageDialog(window, title, message)
app.aboutAlertDialog(window, title, message)
app.criticalAlertDialog(window, title, message)
app.infoAlertDialog(window, title, message)
-- returns true or false
local result = app.questionAlertDialog(window, title, message)
app.warningAlertDialog(window, title, message)


-- type: hex or RGB
local color = app.colorPickerDialog(window, type)

3. System Tray and System Notification

Learn how to create a system tray icon or send system notifications

System Tray

local tray = SysTray(icon)



Sets the icon


Sets the icon


Sets menu

checkout Menus


Sets the visibility

System Notifications

Allows you to send notification from your app.

local tray = SysNotification(icon)



Executed when the notification is clicked

setMessage{title, message, icon: optional, duration: optional}

Sets the required attributes of a system notification

duration, ie, 2000, 3000, 10000 and not 1,2,3,4,5 for seconds