




Omega Msiska

Let’s get you started!

Limekit is a framework (wrapper for PySide6) for building desktop applications using the lua language without the need for HTML and CSS. The framework allows developers to maintain single lua codebase and create cross-platform apps that work on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


The framework is being created in Python, but there’s no need for you to learn Python at all.


This is a test release deliberately lacking numerous features and properties.

Presently, it only supports Windows and Linux, with MacOS support arriving soon.

  • Part 1: Setup: Guides you step-by-step to set up Python on your computer, which is crucial as the framework depends on the Python language.

  • Part 2: Widgets: Focuses on interactivity. Think buttons, combo boxes, menus, check boxes, radio buttons and many more - they’re all in the mix!

  • Part 3: Widget Items: Covers how to interact with some special widgets such as the Tab, ToolBar, etc.

  • Part 4: Layout Managers: Covers the different layouts available in the framework

  • Part 5: App object: Shows you how to make the most of the utilities in the framework and all the extra goodies that come with it!

  • Part 6: User resources: Shows you how to make the most of the utilities in the framework and all the extra goodies that come with it!

  • Part 7: Batteries included: Covers all the other features provided by the framework, such as the sqlite3 database, using the system tray, displaying system notifications, threads, signals, and many more.


_images/one.png _images/two.png _images/1.png _images/2.png _images/5.png _images/3.png _images/4.png _images/6.png _images/8.png _images/9.png _images/12.png _images/13.png

Getting help

Having trouble?

Head over to our discord server Try asking in our r/limekit reddit community

Or contact me on

Support the project

Buy me a coffee to support the project. This will help me stay awake at night 😁

