
A powerful component designed to manage and display multiple tabs, each hosting distinct set of widgets or layouts.

local accoridon = Accordion()

You can add add a widget or a layout to the accordion using addChild(widget, label, icon: optional) or addLayout(layout, label, icon: optional), respectively. Take a look at the different code snippet below

Adding a widget

local button = Button('Click me')
accordion:addChild(button, 'All Buttons')

-- or otherwise with an icon

local button = Button('Click me')
accordion:addChild(button, 'All Buttons', images('icon.png'))

Adding a layout

local layout = VLayout()
local button = Button('Click me')

accordion:addChild(layout, 'All Buttons')

-- or otherwise with an icon

local layout = VLayout()
local button = Button('Click me')

accordion:addChild(layout, 'All Buttons')

checkout Layout Managers


addChild(widget, label, icon: optional)

Adds a widget in a tab to the accordion with given a label, and icon if necessary

addLayout(layout, label, icon: optional)

Adds a layout in a tab to the accordion with given a label, and icon if necessary

checkout Using resources

setGridVisible(visible: bool)

Show or hide grid lines on the calendar


Enable text that appears when a mouse hovers on the tab


Gets the current index of the visible tab


Sets the index of the tab to be visible